My Story

Natasha Tavangari is the craftsperson behind Soraya Jewellery. With a background firmly rooted in visual design, Natasha completed a degree in Fashion and Business before opening a vintage clothing and homewares shop which she ran successfully for several years. Eventually deciding to pursue her interest in handmade jewellery, she completed a course on silversmithing and has been crafting beautiful, unique pieces ever since.

Based in Cumbria, it’s inevitable that the abundant nature around her influences her work. Natasha cites the mountains, forests, lakes and waterfalls that surround her as her main sources of inspiration, which you can see clearly reflected in the undulating textures and vivid colours of her craft.

Natasha has had stalls at craft and trade markets throughout the UK and is still regularly present at markets throughout the Lake District and Cheshire. A true people-person, she enjoys meeting and talking to her customers in person, which is why she has now opened up her private workshop to provide intimate classes on ring making.

Ever conscious of the impacts that fast fashion and transient trends have on the planet, all Soraya Jewellery pieces are made exclusively with recycled silver.

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